Secrets of Best Selling Non Fiction Book Cover Design


Writing a good book is only half the battle – the other half is creating a compelling and attractive cover that will draw in potential readers. Whether you’re self-publishing or going through a traditional publisher, you can use our tips to design an eye-catching cover for your non-fiction book that stands out from the crowd.

Focus on the Title

When designing the cover of a non-fiction book, the title should be the main focus. It’s the first thing that potential readers will see, so it’s important to make sure the typography stands out and is clearly legible from a distance. Make sure to pick a font style, size, and color that will make your title pop off the page!

Leverage the Subtitle to Increase Readability and addressing relevant audience

The subtitle of a non-fiction book is great way to relevant address audience e.g for Coloring Book for Kids from 8 – 12 years. A strategic use of words can help draw attention of relevant auidence and explain what benefits are expected out of the Book. Utilize type manipulation, size and font variations so that the title, header and subtitle stand out on their own from within the overall design.

Excellent Depiction of Theme and Content of the Book in "Parts of Your World" by Abby Jimenez. It shows two person in love but from different backgrounds.(Note the Colors Difference, Background Pictures Difference)
Choose an Engaging and Relevant Image

To really ensure your non-fiction book cover gets noticed, it’s important to choose a relevant and engaging image for the background. This can help draw readers in with curiosity or evoke emotion. If possible, try to find an image or design element that can connect to the subject matter of your book.

Excellent Depiction of Theme and Content of the Book in "Parts of Your World" by Abby Jimenez. It shows two person in love but from different backgrounds.(Note the Colors Difference, Background Pictures Difference)
Make Sure Typefaces Match Your Genre

The right typefaces can make a huge difference in how eye-catching and appealing your non-fiction book cover looks. Choosing typefaces that are appropriate to the genre of your book is essential—for example, you want to make sure your font choice conveys strength and credibility if you’re writing about history or business advice. Always use legible fonts that people can easily read from a distance.

Use Color to Create Interest and Delineate Text Elements

A great way to draw attention to your book cover and make it stand out is to use color. Colors can make your text more legible and they also help you delineate different elements of the design like titles, headings, subheadings and other text information. Choose colors that compliment or contrast the main image on your non-fiction book cover for maximum impact.

Excellent Depiction of Theme and Content of the Book in "Parts of Your World" by Abby Jimenez. It shows two person in love but from different backgrounds.(Note the Colors Difference, Background Pictures Difference)

A cover design is one of the most important and often neglected part of a book by authors / publishers. The online attention span for a potential buyer is few seconds and if cover does not conveys right message to the right audience then no matter how well crafted book’s content is, it becomes very difficult to sell it online.

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